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Exercise IRON VIPER 15

66 Fuel and General Transport Squadron have been deployed on Exercise IRON VIPER 15 providing logistic support to the newly formed VANGUARD Enabling Group (based on 17 Port and Maritime Regiment). This challenging exercise involved 113 soldiers and officers from across 9 Regiment RLC from all trade groups; Drivers, Logistic Specialist Suppliers and Communications Specialists. The Squadron was formed of 3 troops; General Transport Troop, Supply Troop and Petroleum Troop.

The General Transport Troop operated a variety of vehicles including DROPS, MAN SV15T, MAN SV6T and CST(Fuel). The Troop drove over 11,500km and moved 400 pallets of Combat Supplies and other Material. The highlight was the logistic operation to out-load the MV HURST, one of Defences 6 roll-on/roll-off sealift ships. In concert with 17 Port and Maritime Regiment, the Troop had to drive on and off the ship collecting stores and vehicles, a task which took a great amount of skill and certainly tested our soldiers!

The Supply Troop consisted of an Ammunition Section, Material Section, Rendezvous Section and a specialist Medical Supply Section. In support of the exercise they designed, created and produced 200 pallets of simulated ammunition and 21 ISO containers of supplies. Their main task was to consignment track using the latest Logistic Information Systems through a complex supply chain involving road and sea movement across England and Wales.


The Petroleum Troop have built and operated a Bulk Fuel Installation using the new Joint Operational Fuel System. The installation now holds some 270,000L of Diesel ‘ thought to be the most ever held in the system in the UK! The Troop has worked with a civilian contractor to receipt just under 300,000L of Diesel and will test, store and issue the fuel to a variety of Military Units.