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Silver medal at Major Series catering comp

An Army Chef from 1 Regiment RLC has taken home a silver medal in the street food category at the Major Series 2020 catering competition in Eastleigh.

Facing off against 17 other chefs in the same category, LCpl Cheese, as part of The British Army Culinary Arts Team (BACAT), competed against local colleges from the Winchester and Southampton area.

LCpl Cheese utilised a new piece of equipment that the Food Services Training Wing is currently trialing called the Outdoor Versatile Oven (OVO) – in simple terms a table top BBQ that can be used indoors.

The Major Series 2020, held in conjunction with The Craft Guild Culinary Academy, is widely seen as the UK’s premier young chef competition and nurtures new talent in the industry.

Following his success at the event, LCpl Cheese has now been selected to represent the BACAT team at the Hotel, Restaurant and Catering competition being held at the ExCel Arena in London in March.

LCpl Cheese