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On 20 Apr 18, 10 The Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistics Regiment (10 QOGLR) delivered Doko 25 to mark the 25th anniversary of The RLC based around the Doko Race, a unique element of the Brigade of Gurkhas selection process.

Recruits were equipped with a Doko (a hand-woven bamboo basket in a conical or “V” shape used in Nepal for the transportation of goods, usually supported by shoulders straps and a “Namlo” or head-strap) to race over 6km of undulating ground, starting at the bottom of a valley and then climbing steeply carrying 25kg in under 45 minutes.

The event took place around the Queen’s Parade ground in Aldershot and whilst it was nowhere near the challenge of the original Doko race undertaken in Nepal, it gave UK personnel a small insight as to what the majority of our regimental soldiers go through during selection.

During the event, the Sun God Surya was watching over the 13 teams of three soldiers from the Regt’s sub-units, including the LAD, who each covered a course measuring just less than two miles, carrying a Doko weighing 25lb, before handing over the pennant (made by our very own Master Tailor) which acted as the ‘baton’ between teams.

The challenge was to cover a total distance of 25 miles as a Regt. The Regt was proud to host the Corps Col, Corps RSM and 101X Comd Log Sp, all of whom completed a lap of the course complete with Doko. They were ably supported by the Regt’s own Commander, Adjutant, RSM, Quartermaster and Quartermaster (Technical).

On the completion of his lap, the Corps Col was presented a bespoke centrepiece, hand crafted by the Regt’s Metalsmith, Sgt Cutherbert. The piece was exceptional and represented key capabilities within 10 QOGLR. The base was made from recycled flat rack wood as routinely used by the Regt’s Drivers in transportation activity, the brass number to represent the ammunition the LSS personnel can supply, with the crossed kukhuri representing the Gurkha soldier.

This was a most poignant moment as the Corps Col was presented a piece by a REME Craftsman, encapsulating the phrase often used within 10 QOGLR, “You are not in the Regiment, you are the Regiment”.”

Underpinning the success of the event was the Regt’s dedicated G4 team which included its fantastic chefs who provided high quality sustenance for all the competitors and supporters alike ‘ dhanyabad and shaybas (thank you and well done).

Jai 10 QOGLR, Jai Doko 25, Jai RLC 25!

#WeAreTheRLC #RLC25

The Royal Logistic Corps

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