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7 Regt steals the show at the Royal Tattoo

Soldiers from 7 Regiment RLC have stolen the show as Guard of Honour at this year’s Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo (REMT).

Capt Henry R Hulme RLC, 7 Regt, said: “It’s a huge privilege for 7 Regiment RLC to participate in this year’s Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo.”

“This tasking is usually undertaken by a combat unit. The daily rigours of drill in the Castle esplanade in front of an international audience for almost a month is a challenge the soldiers have risen to and achieved very high standards. The Regt is very proud of their efforts.”

The Regt’s performance at the Tattoo follows weeks of practice which culminated in a full dress rehearsal led by WO1 GSM McFadden, Royal Regiment Of Scotland.

During the rehearsal, the Regt was joined on the parade square for rehearsals by dancers from the Tattoo Dance Company, as well as troops from around the world.

These included the massed pipes and drums formed from multiple Scottish Regimental Bands and the Canadian Military Band personnel, Heeresmusikkorps Kassel German Marching Band, the Trinidad & Tobago Defence Force – Steel Orchestra, Beijing Marching Band and Cultural Display and Lochiel Marching Drill Team from New Zealand.